When to Plant Lavender

There is a mass of blue-purple blooms throughout the summer. It hums with contented bees and flutters with butterflies, and the reviving aroma of the flowers and foliage smells the air. This evergreen shrub has structure and silver-green color during the cold months. Knowing how to grow and care for lavender is important, but it is also important to plant lavender at the right time, and this post has the essentials.

If you are wondering when to plant lavender, the best time to plant lavender is in the late spring or early fall. In the spring, late summer, and fall, cuttings can be taken. Between February and April, lavender can be sown.
There are some good videos for you.

It is worthwhile with the right conditions. If you have a sheltered area with sharp drainage, lavender adds the magic of fragrance to the garden. It has a long bloom time, bees love it, and the dried flowers are great for aromatherapy.
It is easy to grow in pots and window boxes, it is trained into a low hedge, and it can be part of your flower bed ideas.

when to plant lavenderIs it a good idea to put it in borders but not lavender? Simon Charlesworth, director of Downderry lavender nursery in Kent, UK, says April is the best time to plant lavender. Lavenders may be upset if they are planted too early.

Hailing from the Mediterranean, lavender likes the sun and drainage.
Simon says you can plant in March if the weather is nice. May is also good. Depending on the weather, you can plant in September or early October.
The shrubs that grow wild in the Mediterranean maquis don’t like rich soil and don’t addfertilizer.
In the northern US and the UK, planting in the spring is the best time to do so. lavender can be planted in a shaded area in the fall in hot regions.

Planting Lavender in Pots

When to plant lavender in containers? Simon says that April is the best time to plant in pots because they don’t dry out too quickly.
Lavender hates being wet so choose a pot with lots of holes. Place the plant in full sun.
Simon Charlesworth says that Purity and Purple Treasure grow well in pots. It would look great if it was a big container and it was white.

Nathan Tuno of Roots Landscape Inc recommends the variegated forms of Meerlo and Walberton’s Silver Edge. If you want your lavender soil mixture to thrive in the heat, be sure to add proper drainage and maybe even some sand to it.

When to Plant Lavender Seeds

If you like a challenge and want to grow a large amount of lavender, then lavender is worth a try.
It’s best to sow in late winter or early spring. If you want to make planting out quick and easy, sow in module trays filled with compost that has been watered. You can lightly cover with compost or perlite. For three to four weeks, place a propagator cover or plastic bag over the tray and put it in a cold place. They can be placed on a bright windowsill or in a greenhouse.

It is easy to make new lavender plants. In the spring, Jekka Mcvicar suggests taking non-flowering stems. Take semi-hardwood in the summer or early fall.

Take the cuttings and plunge them into pots of compost. The semi-hardwood can be kept in a greenhouse or cold frame.

Planting a Lavender Hedge

A lavender hedge can be planted in the late spring or early fall. Simon Charlesworth says that September is a good time to root out. The high summer months are June, July and August.
For a hedge of at least 2ft (60 cm), he recommends ‘Folgate’ or ‘Arctic Snow’, and for a hedge of less than 15in (40 cm), he recommends ‘Purple Treasure’. Cut the hedge twice a year to keep it healthy and handsome: lightly trim in April and then cut harder after flowering in August or September.

What time of year is the best to plant lavender?

The best time to plant lavender is in the spring or early fall, if it is potted plants. Between February and April is when lavender sowing should be done. It is not as easy to grow lavender from seed.

When Does Lavender Bloom?

In the late spring and summer, lavender flowers bloom for a long time, rewarding the effort of planting and bringing bees and butterflies to the backyard.

Does Lavender Spread?

It can spread, but pretty slowly. Lavender spreads by seed dispersal however, the rate of germination is very low meaning it won’t spread as quickly as oregano, thyme or other herbs.

Does Lavender Need Full Sun?

Lavender needs at least 6 hours of full sun daily. It also needs good soil drainage. If you are in a warmer climate, lavender does well planted in a spot where it gets afternoon shade.

How to Prune Lavender

Lavender is a great plant to have in your garden. But if you don’t know how to prune lavender, you could end up with a lot of dead or diseased plants.

Before we start, it is important to understand that lavender is a perennial plant which means that it will grow back year after year. That also means that we need to be careful not to cut too many stems off at one time because we want the plant to live for many years. One way of doing this is by cutting just one third of the stems on each side of the plant at one time and then coming back six months later and trimming another third off again. This process can be repeated for three years before the plant needs a full trim.

Does Lavender Grow in Florida?

Yes, certain types of lavender can be grown in Florida.! Because lavender likes full sun and sandy, dry soil, some types of lavender do not do well in Florida’s humid climate. If you want to grow lavender in Florida, choose Phenomenal Lavender or Lavandula canariensis. Also, lavender does well in pots, raised garden beds or containers


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